January Was Rough Ya'll

I know life doesn’t always go as planned but a few days into the new year the universe decided to throw my family a curve ball and our lives will never be the same again. My brother, Paul passed away in his sleep.

Our family had just barely began to mend our ties with Paul in June 2023 after a long absence. Slowly, we were getting to know each other and my father who had always wanted our family to be together again was beaming. They had just started to pick up where they had left off and were in the process of getting to know each other again. It was magical to watch as they got to share their passions with one another and have discussions about everything they had been wanting to talk about for so long.

My brother would often tell me; “Our Dad is So Cool.” and how much he love him. He ended every call or conversation with me by saying, “Love you Sis!”. At first it caught me off guard but I thoroughly enjoyed the time we got to spend together and my only wish is that I had more of it.

Life has many challenges and death of loved ones are some of the hardest. Grief is a messy emotion and loss leaves a hole in your life that you can never get back. While I will forever miss Paul and the moments that we had gotten to be brother and sister again, I will always cherish the moments that we did have together and strive to have cherished moments with the rest of my family and. the people who I love.